In collaboration with Géosciences Laboratoty, Paris
Stones, minutglass, 2015

Stones are attached to the wall. A visible horizontal notch on each allowed a levy which determined their ages and compositions. This dissection generates a collision suggested an invisible graphic ( Time – abscissa / ordinate training – Depth ).
La poudre issue des pierres entaillées est recueillie dans des sabliers. Tels des éprouvettes, chacun d’eux contient la quantité de sable proportionnelle à l’âge de la pierre qu’il renferme. Une rotation de l’ensemble de la structure permet de visualisé l’écoulement des différents temps géologique.
The powder resulting notched stones is collected in hourglasses . Such test tubes, each of which contains the amount of sand proportional to the age of the stone it contains. Rotation of the entire structure allows viewing the flow of different geological time .
To show the passage of time on the scale of a world through a poetized dissection.